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Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a student.
Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a student.
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The world is increasingly becoming a global village, and people are moving from one end of the world to another in search of good employment and life opportunities. With plenty of opportunities available in different parts of the world, it is essential to equip yourself with vital skills and knowledge that will give you a competitive edge and a chance to get employed in any part of the world. Here is where studying abroad comes in as an important factor to acquire the vital skills needed by many employers across the world. It is just not about getting employment in any part of the world but acquiring global skills and the available professional opportunities in the world.
A study carried out by the British Council, titled Culture at Work, reports that employers all over the world are under constant pressure to hire employees with technical knowledge and soft skills, for example, problem-solving skills, communication, time management and critical thinking that are necessary for the success of the global workforce. You cannot acquire these skills by simply studying the education curricula of your country.
Here is why you should study abroad:
The economy of the world is increasingly becoming more global each and every day. Multinational companies are setting up industries and operations in different parts of the world. This is aimed at tapping into the new markets, for expansion and to use the resources that are not available in their home countries. Such companies are searching for new talents with international experience and exposure to help in their daily operations. When you study abroad, you will build relationships with these multinational companies due to internships and exchange programs. This will open doors to new and exciting opportunities for you once you graduate. In other words, studying abroad prepares students for the international job market and landscape.
Studying abroad gives you an opportunity to see the world. When you leave your home country to go and study in a foreign country, you will meet new people, new cultures, new environment, activities and even new outlooks. This opens up your mind and how you view things. You will not limit your imagination to what was in your country, but you will introduce new things to your personal growth and development. You will learn to appreciate other people’s cultures, their way of life and even learn new languages. Additionally, studying in another country gives you the opportunity to visit other countries on top of the country you will be studying in. For instance, if you study in the US or England, you will visit other countries to get there, and when studying, you will have an opportunity to visit the neighbouring countries.
When you study within your home country, you will only study what is within your country’s education curriculum. This means that you will have limited your scope to only focus on what is offered within your country regarding education style and curriculum. However, when you enrol in an international or study abroad program, you will get a chance to expand your knowledge base and skills. You will study new and diverse things that you could never be taught in your home country. Many countries offering study abroad programs provide advanced learning systems and curricula. Therefore, you will undoubtedly grow your knowledge base and acquire global skills and experience.
A good number of students who leave their home countries to study abroad, actually leave their countries for the very first time. In their new host country, these students find new cultures, new lifestyles, new food, new friends and people, new weather and environment, new social atmosphere and above all new language. This gives them a better understanding of how other people relate and do their things. They will learn to appreciate different people and races and also to understand the history of the people they will meet in the new country. Let me just put this straight, as a foreigner or even a local it is easier to deal with an individual who has had an international exposure than it is to deal with a person who has never set foot outside of his or her home country.
One of the major benefits of studying in a foreign country is the opportunity to study a new foreign language. The new culture, the new way of life and language that you find in your new country will give you the excitement and the need to learn them. If you want to fully immerse yourself with the locals and do the things that they do, you will have to learn the local language. Doing this will make your life easier and enjoyable in your new country. Individually, this is great because you will increase the number of languages you can speak and even write. This will come in handy someday when you are employed or in your social cycles. Career-wise, you will notice that employers prefer employees that can speak more than one language. Some of the languages preferred by employers include Chinese, Spanish, German, Korean, Spanish and Arabic.
Many students who complete their studies in foreign countries tend to look for employment opportunities in their host nations. The good thing is that their always something you can do if you have the required skills and education in these countries. You can start somewhere and build your career in these new countries. However, for those who decide to go back to their home countries, their chances of getting better employment are increased. This is because employers in their host countries tend to find them desirable with the ability to inject new dimensions and skills into their workforce. This means that you will surely get a job in your home country because of your foreign education background as opposed to only using your local education documents.
There are activities that we only see on TV or haven’t heard of in our home countries. Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to learn new activities and interests. For example, you might find that you are actually talented in water sports, snorkeling, golf, hiking, skydiving and other fun activities that you could never indulge in if you remained in your home country. Research shows that majority of renowned sportsmen and women discovered their talents while studying in colleges and universities abroad. This is because they were presented with new interests and they loved these new interests, learned them and perfected in them. Apart from learning new skills and interests, you will get the opportunity to discover new forms of plays, dancing, entertainment and recreation activities that you previously never knew about.
Some students fear to study abroad because of the notion that will be on their own without anyone close to them. This should instead be viewed as an advantage and an opportunity to develop as an individual. Studying abroad brings forth the need for independence and an independent mind. It makes you realize that you are in control of your life out there and you should always do the right thing. As much as you have the opportunity to explore new ideas and discover your abilities, you will always ensure that everything you do does not jeopardize your position as a student in a foreign country and this builds you a person. You will be able to make informed decisions that will not only enhance your personal development but also help you build a strong career foundation.
Studying abroad gives you an opportunity to build personal relationships with other students. You will meet students from different parts of the world, and with your association, you will become friends. During your study, you will get to learn about each other, understand how to relate with one another and even build lifelong relationships. After completing your study, it is essential to maintain contact and keep in touch with your international friends because you never know when they will come in handy. They can be the only source of connection that you might need to change your life once you have left college or school in a foreign country. They can invite you over to their home countries for holiday or job opportunities, or you can do the same for them.
Many international graduate schools prefer students with study abroad experiences to students with international exposure. Students who have studied outside their home countries show diversity. They are easy to mingle and relate to other students as well as other people in within the school. Additionally, students with international experience show that they are dynamic and that they are risk takers. These are some of the qualities international graduate schools look for when offering scholarships to students from other countries. They want students who can inject new ideas, skills and a new aspect into the school. Therefore, if you wish to join an international graduate school, you should consider studying abroad.
Studying abroad offers a variety of life experiences. To many, these experiences are what encourages them to enrol in study abroad programs. For example, you get to learn new things and a new education system. The thought of working abroad as also enticing. This will come after you have completed your education. In other words, studying abroad presents a once in a lifetime opportunity that can completely change your life for the better. This will come true if you stay committed to your education and improving yourself. You get to experience things and places you could never think off if you stayed in your home country.
Studying abroad teaches the importance of flexibility and the benefits of being an all-rounded individual. For example, when you move to a new country, you will be faced with an entirely new climate and environment. You will have to adapt to your surroundings for you to stay and study in your new country. You will have to change how you do things and your lifestyle to fit in this new environment. This makes you adaptable in many ways. It gives you the ability to change and accept change wherever you will go even after completing your studies. Your ability to adapt to new environments, new challenges and opportunities make you desirable to employers and people around you.
Students who have studied abroad are known to be very assertive and very confident in what they do. They end up being successful people who have brains that match their unequaled confidence. This can be attributed to the quality of education and the experiences they acquire when studying abroad. The challenges and hardships you experience as an individual student in a foreign country give you resilience and understanding of how to solve even complex problems on your own. This builds your self-esteem and belief in yourself which are some of the most important qualities you need to succeed in life.
When living and studying in your home country, you might not clearly understand and appreciate the culture, traditions, and values of your country. This is because you will be seeing and taking everything as normal. But when you leave and meet completely different people, cultures, traditions, and values, you will realize how important your country’s culture and values are. You will be able to compare the cultures of your new host country with your home country. If you are an open-minded individual, you will appreciate the cultural diversity and learn a thing or two that you can come with back home and improve your values.
Certain professions require specific qualifications for you to eligible to practice in that profession, and there are schools, colleges, and universities that are known worldwide to offer international competence and recognition. For example, Harvard Law School is known all over the world as the best place you can study law if you wanted to become a good lawyer with an international reputation. If you study law from this institution, you can comfortably work anywhere in the world. This is just an example of institutions that are respected and known the world over to produce professionals with global skills and reputation. This should be a wakeup call to those students who want to make a name for themselves in the job market to enrol for study abroad programs.
There are plenty of reasons for studying abroad. In fact, the upside is huge, and there is no downside to this. If you focus on your studies, you will definitely reap a lot of benefits.
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